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Feeding Little's Blog
Your go-to resource for quick, actionable answers to your feeding and nutrition questions.
Understanding Sensory Processing

Understanding Sensory Processing

Let’s talk sensory processing! This is a big topic, but we wanted to give you some basic information so that you can understand your child’s needs and development a little better.   ...
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Why do kids like crunchy foods?

Why do kids like crunchy foods?

Have you noticed that your kiddo gravitates toward crackers, veggie straws, and all foods crunchy? Why do they love these crunchy foods, and how can we use their preference for...
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Mouth Stuffing and Food Pocketing in Young Children

Mouth Stuffing and Food Pocketing in Young Children

Has your baby or toddler ever filled their mouth with blueberries – one after the next – without chewing and swallowing? Perhaps they store them in their cheeks or at...
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Food Before 1 is NOT Just for Fun!

Food Before 1 is NOT Just for Fun!

We hear the term “food before 1 is just for fun” thrown around in various Baby-led Weaning communities. The spirit of this phrase is great – don’t stress about the...
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Teething and Mealtime

Teething and Mealtime

Teething almost always affects mealtime in some way. A sudden change of eating patterns usually means something’s up – and teeth are a very likely culprit (even before you can see them...
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How to Teach your Toddler to Eat a Sandwich

How to Teach your Toddler to Eat a Sandwich

Sandwiches are a simple, filling meal option that can help provide essential nutrients – like fiber, protein, and B vitamins – for kids. It’s very convenient if your child can...
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Beige food lover at home? Here are tips to help them branch out!

Beige food lover at home? Here are tips to help them branch out!

You are not a bad parent if your kid loves beige, starchy foods! Read on for why.   No matter how much variety you serve your children, it is still...
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Why Dips are Important

Why Dips are Important

Let’s talk DIPS! Did you know that the use of dips is something we use to help reluctant eaters learn how to eat more foods?  There are so many dip...
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Teach your Child How to Swallow a Pill

Teach your Child How to Swallow a Pill

Yes, kids as young as 4 can learn to swallow pills! Learn how below. Why do some kids need to swallow pills? Some medications only come in pill form or...
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How to Teach your Child to Eat a Salad

How to Teach your Child to Eat a Salad

Whenever we post about green salads we get questions about how and when young children can eat salads, too – let's dig in!    The biggest issue with salad is the safety of...
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Easy Ways to Play With Your Baby – FREE PRINTABLE

Easy Ways to Play With Your Baby – FREE PRINTABLE

It seems like there are so many ideas on the internet for how to keep toddlers and kids occupied while at home. But…how do you play with a baby? Guess...
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How to Feed Your Child When They’re Sick

How to Feed Your Child When They’re Sick

Have you noticed that kids get sick, like, a lot? This can be especially true for kids when they start daycare, preschool or elementary school, or when they start interacting with...
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Let’s talk about utensils! Read on for what to look for when choosing utensils for your baby or toddler, how to encourage them to use spoons and forks, and what...
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The Pincer Grasp is NOT a Prerequisite to Starting Solid Foods

The Pincer Grasp is NOT a Prerequisite to Starting Solid Foods

Many parents rely on Facebook support groups for information about all things parenting – feeding, behavior, sleep development, potty training, and even car seat safety. With the influx of resources comes an...
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