I’m a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. More importantly, I’m a mom. I know what it’s like to stress out about how my kids eat.
I have worked with parents, babies and kids for the entirety of my 20-year career. I love helping
families confidently start solid foods, work through picky eating, create meals they love, and
break cycles of dieting and restriction for the next generation.
My own Baby-led Weaning babies are 11 and 9, but I still remember the intense joy, anxiety, love and exhaustion of those first few years as their mom. I hope you’ll consider me a “big sister” who helps encourage you through this beautiful, challenging chapter of your parenting journey. I look forward to connecting with you on Instagram and hope you’ll join the discussion
over there.
Since 2014, Feeding Littles has helped hundreds of thousands of families raise confident, intuitive eaters, and I know we can help your family too. Check out our online courses to get started.
I am so happy you’re here.

Megan McNamee MPH, RDN has been the co-founder and CEO of Feeding Littles since its inception in 2014. She is also a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and barre instructor.
Megan completed her undergraduate study at the University of Arizona with a degree in Nutritional Science (Dietetics) and minors in Chemistry and Spanish (GPA: 3.93). She was honored the Dietetics Student of the Year and the Robert Logan Nugent Award (university-wide) upon graduating in 2005. She was part of Bobcats Senior Honorary, Chain Gang Junior Honorary, Arizona Allegiance and the Arizona Cancer Center WHEL Study.
After college, Megan was accepted into the Los Angeles County/USC Healthcare Network Dietetic Internship, an 11-month practical training program required to become a dietitian. She passed her RD exam in October 2006.
She then completed a Master of Public Health degree (Nutrition Track) at the University of Southern California (GPA 4.0). She completed her Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor training during graduate school and began seeing private clients under her practice Nutrition Transitions. She also worked on an intuitive eating study in conjunction with Elyse Resch, co-author of
Intuitive Eating, at the Center for Obesity Research at USC.
After graduation, Megan worked for the Arizona WIC Program and became Training Manager for almost 500 employees state-wide. She was then recruited to a medical device start-up and ran FDA-submittable clinical trials from 2009-2013, when she had her first baby. She became certified as a barre instructor for Karve Studio in 2012.
Once she was a mom, Megan worked part-time in multiple capacities, seeing private clients, teaching at Arizona State University, writing for medical device companies and teaching barre exercise classes. She met Judy Delaware OTR/L, co-founder of Feeding Littles, in 2014, and they began creating online courses and resources for parents all over the world.
Feeding Littles has given Megan incredible opportunities, including two appearances on Good Morning America and the honor of co-authoring two New York Times Best Selling books, Feeding Littles and Beyond and Feeding Littles Lunches. She has contributed to articles for Time, The New York Times, Today.com, The New Yorker and more. Megan was awarded “Favorite Valley Mom” from Arizona Foothills Magazine.
Megan sits on the Board of Directors for Child Crisis Arizona and regularly volunteers at her kids’ school and with their sports teams. She teaches a charity barre class three times per week. She enjoys listening to audio books, working out and spending time with her girls. She has been married to her college sweetheart, Greg, since 2009, and they live with their pre-teen daughters and goldendoodle Nugget in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The Feeding Littles expert team is led by dietitian Megan McNamee MPH, RDN, #1 New York Times best-selling author and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. Our team also includes experienced Speech and Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists. They are feeding specialists that help consult on our content and support our clients.
Co-founder Judy Delaware OTR/L, CLC retired from Feeding Littles in September, 2024. She was an integral part of the development of our philosophies and courses. You will see Judy in our Infant and Toddler & Kid Courses through 2025.

Feeding Littles is deeply rooted in the memory of an extraordinary baby named Jack. Jack is the reason co-founders Judy (retired) and Megan connected, leading them to create Feeding Littles.
Although Jack's time on earth was brief, the impact he left on this world continues to shine brightly. He has forever inspired love, creativity, and the pursuit of dreams.
From the moment his mother, Sarah, held Jack in her arms for the first time, she was captivated by his bright blue eyes and sweet smile. She dreamt of a beautiful life with her first son.
Days after Jack's birth, Jack began to show signs of muscle weakness. He wasn’t moving as expected, and he had trouble nursing. Sarah and her husband, Chris, took Jack to the ER immediately.
A week of hospitalization and numerous tests later, Jack’s family had a diagnosis: Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). Jack had the most severe form of this genetic disease. His family was shattered. He was given 6 months to live.
Sent home to care for their terminally ill son, Sarah and her family embarked on a journey with around-the-clock care and life-sustaining machines. Jack relied on a feeding tube, oxygen, and machines for suction and cough assistance, as he had lost the ability to swallow. Occupational and Physical Therapy became integral to Jack's life, leading them to meet retired co-founder Judy.
Judy brought light into their lives. She not only taught them how to keep Jack comfortable but also introduced adjusted toys, customized feeding plans, and the joy of experiencing things Jack could do. Through Judy's support, Sarah began to feel like a mother again. Jack experienced the taste of apples and peaches, and enjoyed getting flour on his hands while making pizza dough.
Judy reminded them that Jack was still a baby, capable of experiencing the wonders of childhood. The bucket list they created for Jack included visits to the zoo and aquarium, hikes in nature, and playing in the rain. Sarah threw monthly birthday parties and celebrated most holidays ahead of time, as no one knew which would be his last.
On December 23rd, at the age of 6 ½ months, Jack took his final breath in Sarah's arms. In the spirit of hope, Jack's organs were donated, offering the possibility of saving another baby’s life.
After Jack’s passing, Sarah connected Judy and Megan and forever changed their paths. It is because of Jack that Feeding Littles exists.
Jack's strength and resilience continue to inspire and guide the Feeding Littles community, reminding us of the extraordinary strength of the human spirit. Even after Judy’s retirement in 2024, we remember Jack in all that we do.