Ice cube trays add novelty to mealtime.

How do you use ice cube trays? My sweet hubby picked up these summery silicone trays at the Target Dollar Spot (I’m sure my 5 year old had something to do with it) and it got me thinking of ALL the ways ice cube trays can be helpful with kids – and adults – of all ages!

Here are some of our ideas:

  • Make flavored ice for water (or for adults – ice for LaCroix or cocktails)! Freeze juice or whole fruit pieces in water like cranberries, watermelon chunks, strawberries, cut up citrus, etc! Bonus: it makes water look more appealing so you’ll drink more! Just watch tots with with ice as it can be a choking hazard.
  • Put a bean or pea in each section to help your older infant practice his pincer grasp skills.
  • Use as a novelty “plate” for toddlers – put pieces of their lunch throughout the tray and make mealtime more fun! Think of it as mini bento sections.
  • Create a dipping station when your child is trying new foods. Use familiar dips like hummus, guac, ranch, yogurt dip etc. with less familiar foods.
  • Place yogurt or yogurt/fruit in each section and freeze for little yogurt drops {slightly thaw before serving}.
  • Fill each section with breast milk or formula and offer in a mesh feeder for teething infants not ready for real food. (We only recommend mesh feeders for use as teething tools, not for learning how to eat.)


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