Sweet Jack is the reason Feeding Littles exists. Read more about his heartbreaking story here – grab some tissues, because you’re going to need them! 



To celebrate Jack’s angel-versary on December 23, we wanted to create something that depicts an important lesson Jack taught us: to pause, step back and simply enjoy our children exactly as they are. We hope that this free printable is something you’ll post in your home as a special reminder from Jack.

We hope you have a beautiful holiday with your family. Amidst the chaos, don’t forget to take a moment to take it all in. Really look at your children and notice their smile, their features, their sweet voice. It is something we all take for granted every day, and Jack reminds us that these times are certainly fleeting and not gifted to everyone.

Click either of the files below to download the printable – the first is a JPEG, the second is a PDF.




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